Know someone graduation soon? Make them a graduation hat cake in their school colors. Follow these simple steps and you will be the star with the cake.
Make a Graduation Cake
Gather the supplies needed. Blue gel/paste food coloring, white,black and yellow fondant. powdered sugar/corn starch, rolling pin, pastry/pizza cutter, scissors, cardboard (for hat top), buttercream icing in a pastry bag, gloves, ruler, marker, cake of desired flavor cut into 4 layers. cake board. I iced a 4-layer vanilla cake with buttercream filling and buttercream crumb ice. The fondant is the extra from the hat top. I covered the cake off camera.
- Supplies for the Graduation Hat Cake.
- Cake has been covered in fondant.
Take some white fondant, add blue coloring and knead in. Looking for a grey fondant, so i add in some purchased black fondant and knead it in. Wrap the fondant until needed.
- Sprinkle some powdered sugar/corn starch down. Add blue coloring to fondant. Knead in coloring.
- I am looking for a gray color, so i knead in some purchased black fondant.
- My gray colored fondant.
To measure for the flat top, place the cake pan on a piece of cardboard. Marl a cut line. Cut out with scissors. Cost one side of the cardboard, set aside.
- Measuring to cut a piece of cardboard for to top of the hat.
- Cutting out the hat top.
- Applying buttercream to the hat top.
Roll out some gray fondant to cover hat top. Place on top and smooth. Trim excess fondant off leaving enough to hide edge of cardboard. Set top aside. Cover the cake with the grey fondant at this point and set aside cake.
- Rolling out fondant to cover the hat top.
- Place the fondant on the top, and smooth.
- Trim the fondant a little larger than the cardboard.
Roll out some yellow fondant and trim to a rectangle. Make cuts in the fondant for the tassel strings. Bunch up the end of the tassels which will attach to the cake. Set aside.
- Rolling out yellow colored fondant for the tassels.
- Slicing for the tassels. Do not go to the top.
- Bunch up the top when the tassels are connected.
Position the fondant covered cake. Add some buttercream to the top to act as glue and hold the cardboard top in place.Position on cake.
- Cake has been covered in fondant.
- Apply some buttercream glue and position the top on the cake.
- Add a border to the base of the cake.
Add some buttercream glue so you can attach the tassel and a ball of fondant for the tassel’s knot.
- Add some buttercream glue so you can attach the tassel.
- Finished cake!
A few finishing touch and the cake is ready for the client. Have a slice of cake!
- A few decorating touches to personalize it. ready for the customer.
- I sliced this cake, have a piece and enjoy it!