Challah bread looks so complicated to form. In actually it is quite easy. Follow along with me as we make Challah bread together.

Challah bread looks so complicated to form. In actually it is quite easy. Follow along with me as we make Challah bread together.
Today we are going to be making a White 4 Braid Bread from scratch by hand. This means we will be doing all the kneading by hand and not using the stand mixer. I am doing this to give you the experience to get in touch with your bread and show it is a labor of love.
While this recipes does not have eggs in the bread, I am using an egg wash to give a nice golden brown color on the crust and as a glue to hold our toppings. You can replace the egg wash with some cream or milk which will give you a more duller color, but it will be just as tasty. read more