How To Make A Sinful Bakery Cake - Part 1 The Icings and Fillings
The Sinful Bakery Cake takes a while to prepare but it is well worth it. This is 5 layers of sponge cake with four different filings. This one of my best selling cakes and I am going to share it with you. I have s[;it this up two posts and videos. The first post is the fillings. The second post/video is the assembly. Enjoy! Happy Baking.
Make the Coffee Whipped cream - Very simple to make by adding a tablespoon or two of instant coffee granules to whipped cream. I like the speckled look and the burst of flavor you get from the undissolved coffee granule specks that remain in the whipped cream, but if that is not your thing, add one to two tablespoons of very hot water to the instant coffee granules before adding it to the whipped cream.
Make the Dulce de Leche whipped cream - is made by adding some purchased dulce de leche to some whipped cream. There are no real measurements, just add it to taste,
Make the chocolate whipped cream - to the remaining whipped cream, add ganache to taste and whip it in. An alternative is to add in a few tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder and some powdered sugar to taste.
You need 5 layers, you will see i had vanilla, chocolate and some marbled layers. My suggestion is to make two recipes, one of The Best Secret Chocolate Cake and one recipe of the Improved Vanilla Sponge Cake and making 1 solid layer of each and 2 marbled layers. Use the extra cakes for another project,
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